Archive for December, 2008


Hot Textiles…What a Book!

December 16, 2008

hot-textiles-linkSteve bought me this great book for me a month or so ago (an early Christmas present).  Hot Textiles by Kim Thittachai is a phenomenal exploration in the use of your heat gun to create works of art in textiles.

Here is a recently created work, Remnants, that used Thittachai’s technique of painted fusible web distressed with heat.  The background fabric is a hand dyed and burnt out silk.Remnants ©Ann Flaherty 2008

Remnants ©Ann Flaherty 2008

For another experiment, Blaze, I used the inside of a Fedex envelope.  Painted with water based red and yellow paints, I then blasted it with my heat gun creating a dimensional synthetic cloth that can be easily stitched.

If you are not up for making your grandmother’s quilt, and love to experiment with the use of alternative items in

Blaze ©Ann Flaherty 2008

Blaze ©Ann Flaherty 2008

your work , such as Tyvek, vegetable mesh, synthetics, paints, dyes, seeds and so much more, Hot Textiles provides understandable instructions that beg you to try more.  Here are a set of skills that you can incorporate in other techniques.  Buy this book and set a play date soon!

One caution:  because of the use of heat on a variety of materials, you will need a well ventilated area.